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Could Lizard Nerfs please be stopped until there's a justified reason to nerf them?
Recently I noticed some Unfair changes to lizards in this game that I feel are massively unjustified. Since the start of me playing space station 13 I've always enjoyed playing as a non-human character mainly focusing on lizards due to my uninterest in skeletons and roaches. however, in my experience, they seem to be considered "substandard" from the very beginning. The first thing I noticed is the fact they are considered inhuman to ai's (this being the same with other non-human races) technically giving the AI and borgs the right to freely ignore and harm them (though thankfully it's frowned upon by the majority of the community and is normally considered to be grief by the admins [this doesn't mean I haven't had any negative experiences with borgs/ais as a lizard while not recently I have had negative interactions with ai/borgs with their defense being "he isn't a human"]). 

The next downside is that you now must spend a perk point to be a non-human. While this might be a touch better than paying points earned through playtime to be a lizard/nonhuman you still must spend a point that could otherwise give you a situational edge. (cat eyes and survivalist being some commonly picked positive perks) I feel like this should be more similar to accents where they cost 0 points considering there's no real buff you get from playing lizard.

Now onto the biggest (and in my opinion the most extreme and uncalled for nerf) the debuff to thermoregulation. While I do understand that lizards are cold-blooded in real life this game puts great emphasis on speed, dodging, and maneuverability. This and the fact that this game generally takes place in space where hull breaches are common causing significant drops in temperature mean that all lizard players are more commonly disadvantaged compared to all other species.

The final issue (and the most minor) is the inability to use many of the lawbringer settings due to the fact that your s's are multiplied causing your vocal commands to fail to the point of lizard hos's being a "meme"

While I hate for these issues to become a "race" thing the fact that this server very much about equality and inclusivity while also negatively impacting lizard players is absurdly hypocritical and unfair to those wanting to play as lizards or other even races

NOTE: This required a lot of liquid courage(ie alcohol) to write so I apologize for any grammar or spelling issues.

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Could Lizard Nerfs please be stopped until there's a justified reason to nerf them? - by Alexalmighty502 - 01-11-2021, 03:59 PM

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