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[MERGED PR] Arse Nath tweaks
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About the PR

Reworks Rathens' Secret to be little bit fairer and a lot bit bloodier

First, it'll sever their butt. As usual, but now it uses a slightly fancier random-throw proc, so it'll fly off in more random directions.

After that, it'll try severing a single limb. It did this before, but now it has a few considerations:
- It wont try severing a limb if there isn't a second one of them attached. Unless there's no choice, then it'll pop it right off.
- Non-light robolimbs, bear arms, and shambler appendages won't be removed.
- Light robolimbs, wendigo arms, wolf paws, and stone limbs have a 50% chance to resist severing
-- Though if a limb isn't severed, it'll try again.
- Each check of a limb has a 25% chance to not be chosen, unless its the last one on the list.
- Tails have a 25% chance per missing limb to be severed along with a limb.
-- So you'll only lose your tail if you're also missing a limb.

And in addition to all that, you also spray gibs out of your butt, even if you had a butt when the spell was cast. This is because I felt that making the limb removal less (potentially) debilitating needed something to balance it out. So, now it makes the floors really slippery, something that helps the wizard, but is also countered with adequate footwear.

Also added some flavor text for when their arms resist removal.

Also added limb kind flags to the limbs. Currently, most of them don't do much, but it should help cut down on needing to typecheck a heckload of limbs if you're just looking for a specific thing common to a set of limbs.

Why's this needed?

I misjudged how unbelievably annoying it was for tailhavers going up against wizards. Figured I'd may as well do the other things too.


(+)NT struck a deal with the Wizard Federation to tone down Rathens' Secret regarding tails and cyberlimbs, in exchange for shooting a lot more blood and guts out of peoples' butts.
(+)Rathens' Secret will only sever tails if their owner is missing limbs.
(+)It'll also fail to sever most cyberlimbs and exotic appendages.


Messages In This Thread
[MERGED PR] Arse Nath tweaks - by github_bot - 01-10-2021, 05:58 PM
RE: [PR] Arse Nath tweaks - by Drago156 - 01-10-2021, 09:02 PM
RE: [MERGED PR] Arse Nath tweaks - by Superlagg - 02-01-2021, 03:37 PM
RE: [MERGED PR] Arse Nath tweaks - by Flaborized - 02-01-2021, 05:59 PM
RE: [MERGED PR] Arse Nath tweaks - by Superlagg - 02-02-2021, 12:19 AM

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