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[MERGED PR] TEG Material Science Interaction and Transformation Framework
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[feature][help wanted][input wanted]
About the PR
Adds semiconductor as a part of the TEG.
* Coder sprite added![Image: 103585982-02457000-4e99-11eb-90ba-13073ae487fe.png]
* Semiconductor can be removed via: Screw -> Snip -> Pry
* Semiconductor can be replaced via: (Insertion) -> Coil -> Snip -> Screw
* Semiconductor added as high value Spy Theft bounty.
* Indication added when semiconductor has been disconnected from TEG.
[Image: 103586465-fefeb400-4e99-11eb-81d6-38b21627410f.png]

* Pinpointer for Semiconductor added (but not added to maps yet). Based on other pinpointers.
[Image: 103586390-d676ba00-4e99-11eb-8513-b1f0b1d7f348.png]

Semiconductor intended for use with Arc Plater!
* Efficiency of power calculation can theoretically be augmented by -20% to +40% based on thermal and electrical conductivity of the material in question.
* Once installed Hardcoded Nanites™ will distribute a portion of the material of the semiconductor to the whole TEG! (Material applied to generator and circulator with overlay based on Nanites requiring APC be powered.)
[Image: 103586426-ea222080-4e99-11eb-81fa-14da9a2de3ab.png]

Adds framework for "Transforming TEG"
* OnTransform, OnRevert callbacks to perform transformation
* Grump callback support to allow for overwriting standard grump behavior
* Transformations intended to be performed via reagent interactions with A) Material Science B) Reagent Shenanigans C) When _you_ code it.
* Reagent Transformations checks currently iterate over `childrentypesof(/datum/teg_transformation)` to allow for easy addition into `secrets` if desired by development team.

Why's this needed?
Adds additional objective to Spy Thief.
Improves Engineer and Miner interaction by leverages Arc Plater. (Thanks UrsulaMajor!)
Material Science interactions with TEG should offer depth for nerds and antags.


(*)Material science interactions with TEG! The prototype semiconductor can be removed from TEG via screwdriver-> wirecutter -> crowbar and brought to an Arc Plater near you! Re-install by reinserting -> adding wire -> snipping excess -> screwing it back in place.
(+)TEG Semiconductor added as High Priority bounty to SpyThief.


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[MERGED PR] TEG Material Science Interaction and Transformation Framework - by github_bot - 12-30-2020, 02:28 PM

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