HoS Application
Usual character name: Ibrahim al-Basri
BYOND username: LeifSa
Discord username (if you are on our discord):  Leif#1337
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: RP, RP Overflow, rarely Goonstation/Goonstation Overflow

Reason for application:
I'd like to be an HoS for a number of reasons. 1) because I enjoy playing Security more than other professions. 2) I enjoy the "management" aspect of running a department (assigning people to various tasks, dealing with Head-level emergencies) and 3) I mostly really want the fashion of being able to dress up in a unique outfit, particularly as the NTSO.  I actually quite enjoy playing DeskSec, and would prefer to play my HoS roles in that manner, basically running things like cameras, wanted posters, etc.; conducting trials, hearing appeals from detainees, and dealing with complaints about Sec from the reception area.  I tend to play at very late hours Central US time (midnight through 4am) and sometimes in this window there's either a lack of HoS players around (or they are people who tend to main other jobs like Fleur, for instance) or they've gone to bed for the night. Lately, it seems that RP Overflow is rarely having more than 1-2 people during the hours I play; however when it's more populated as it was a few months ago during the big surge, I prefer to play there, and it's very common for there to be no HoS player, or even no Sec at all. I would like to help bolster those times. 

Security experience (300 word minimum): Several dozens of games, it's my "main" class. I first started playing many years ago, well prior to the current incarnations of SS13. I dropped off for a while, but I got back into it again last year playing fairly regularly. Just spitballing, but I'd guess I've played at least half of my games as Sec. I also occasionally play Detective, but much less often. First, it's most fulfilling in the presence of a good HoS who can divy up tasks between investigations and enforcement/patrol; that can be elusive at times on our server and HoS are sometimes just not in-game. You can end up with SecOffs bungling your investigations. Second, I'd made it a goal in 2020 to learn how to be more robust, which tends to lend itself more to redshirt sec than a detective. But, the Detective class is on my 2021 list of "I need to spend more time focusing on this more".   I've also noticed a lot of newer Sec players, and players who have some very severe ideas of how to enforce Space Law; on RP, that's been giving Sec a bad rap lately. I'd hope to help reverse that. Those who know me as a SecOff know that I value the gimmick and hilarity; if you're an antag doing something awesome/hilarious, I'm most likely to pretend I didn't see you so your hijinks can continue. When the thing you're doing is physically assaulting/harming another player, or disrupting their RP, that's when I usually step in. It's been a very solid strategy for me -- I can't remember the last time I got a complaint as Sec other than for being too slow at brigging (admittedly my slowest thing, which as HoS I'll have others to do that for me). And it makes it that much more meaningful when I get to go robust on someone who actually IS being a problem. 

As a note, in the real world, I trained police in the military, and I'm now a lawyer. So I have something of an affinity for this field.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
  •   The single biggest thing I see people forget or ignore is that the amount of time you spend interacting with a suspect PRIOR to brigging them is time you've taken away from their RP (unless that was already with you). I hate it when people spend 5 minutes detaining a suspect for a penalty that would be less than 2 minutes brig sentence in the first place.  That's what tickets are for. Tickets are tailor-made for harmless "abuse". They don't harm anyone's RP. They are additive, for people who like to read hilarious ticket reasons on the website. Everyone wins. Use tickets liberally. 
  • Keep awareness of how many people are set to arrest at once, and don't forget to remove arrest status once people are done. If there are more than 2 suspects w/ active warrants roaming the station at a given time, Sec is going to be too overwhelmed to stop them or spread too thin if you start adding a third or more on there because you caught the clown stealing, or the botanist hotboxing the bar. Meanwhile, that allows the Vampire to freely munch away on the station while we're distracted. Prioritize. 
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
  • Some time ago, I spent an IMMENSE amount of time chasing down the janitor over petty offenses, because like 1 minute into the round they did the whole "FUCK THE POLICE" thing, shoved me, and ran. In main goonstation, whatever. On RP, I'll treat that as actually fairly serious; it's one thing to quietly cause chaos or be disruptive but being openly, nakedly seditious and assaulting an officer openly in front of the captain, from an RP standpoint, isn't going to end in any other way than "fuck around and find out." So, after an entire round of chasing the janitor about while shouting at the top of my lungs about how he "ain't shit" and was the worst, least competent janitor in the history of the station,  I ended up getting killed when I chased the janitor too hard, slipped on some lube, and flew into the clown, as he was on his way to sacrifice himself to the singularity.  I had literally just spent 30 minutes talking shit about janitors. I thought it was hilarious. 
  • I really enjoy my new gimmick with the detective, which is that he's an old, retired detective and thus slowly rolls everywhere in his wheelchair (stolen from medbay). He's incapable of figuring out how to use any electronics, without the assistance of his grandson.  His chief nemesis are the stairs on the far right side of Oshan, that I consistently forget about and get sent flying by. 
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
  • This might be a minority view, but I would like to see some PvE threats to the station that must be combatted by security. This could be especially fun on RP, when we're playing in game modes with less lethal antags. I'd also like to see some niche security roles (perhaps whitelisted or application only) designed around away teams -- intended to go to dangerous areas off station, in conjunction with TeleSci and Mining. There's often not much reason for a SecOff to leave the station, unless we know of a specific threat. There are entire adventure zone areas that could be perfect for these kinds of missions, if somehow formalized. In my ideal scenario, these roles are somehow distinguished from normal redshirt security (perhaps as green colored military security) and would lack on-station arrest authority (not given the standard tasers/nonlethals), but have limited, increased access to lethals. Now, you might be saying "That's a horrible idea, people already are shitters with this!" I fully understand that's a likely externality, which is why this would only work if it was whitelisted/application only. You might also say "Why on earth do we need this?" The answer is, we don't. I admit, this is an additional layer of complexity and risk purely because I like the idea of a military faction similar to Colonial Marines going out and like, blasting martians or dying horribly to space bears. As I said, it's a minority view.  But I think it's one that would open up a TON of "secret" sections of the game that aren't really so secret anymore but lie just waiting for reasons  for players to devote the time and energy towards exploring them during a limited duration shift. 
  • It's come up from time to time -- someone in fact made a thread here once based on a suggest I made in discord; but I like the idea of an "intern" job class, or more accurately a checkbox or flag you can toggle for any other job; that would indicate you're still learning the ropes. This would help make people feel more comfortable as newbs; and also help other players recognize where the limits of another player's RP might be. For security, I think this could go a long way towards helping people feel comfortable with making mistakes in a job that has the real potential to ruin another's experience if mishandled. 
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
  • The size of the team usually has less to do with my playstyle on a given round, and more whether I decided from the beginning to be serious and devoted to the job, or run some kind of gimmick and goof off. I'm more likely to do a gimmick with a full team. I'm more likely to stay in the Sec Office if I'm by myself. If I'm by myself, I'll also heavily triage what calls I respond to, so like, you better be getting murdered, cause I'm not arresting the greyshirt for farting on your bees, Botanist. 
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
  • Half a shift, half a shift,
    Half a shift over,
    I'm merely a passenger and
    Beepsky my chauffer .
    “Forward, the Staff Assistants!
    Charge for the guns!” they said.
    Into the Armory
       Rode the grey hundreds.

    “Forward, the Staff Assistants!”
    Was there a man dismayed?
    Not though the officer knew
       Someone had blundered.
       Theirs not to make reply,
       Theirs not to reason why,
       Theirs but to do and die.
       Their bodies, the chef will fry
       And the QM plundered.

    Phasers to right of them,
    Phasers to left of them,
    Phasers in front of them
       Volleyed and thundered;
    Stormed at with shot and shell,
    Boldly they rode and well,
    On segways and clown cars,
    Into the mouth of hell
       Rolled the grey thunder.

    Flashed all their faces bare,
    Flashed with batons into the air
    Tasing the grey shirts there,
    Charging an army, while
       All the world wondered.
    Plunged in the riot gun-smoke
    Right through the flasher they broke;
    Clown and Cyborg
    Reeled from the stun baton stroke
       Shattered and sundered.
    Then they rode back, as the budget had not been funded..

    Captain to right of them,
    HoS to left of them,
    Bartender behind them
       with Molly and chunder;
    Run out of shot and shell,
    And that 0% hygiene smell.
    They that had fought so well
    Came through the jaws of Death,
    and were loafed straight to hell,
    All that was left of them,
       Left of six hundred.

    Were they self antags or real traitors?
    As we went to meet our makers!
       All the world wondered.
    Honour the charge they made!
    Bring me more Staff Assistants,
       Another six hundred!

OK that didn't come out quite as awesome as I wanted, but I enjoy Tennyson and the Charge of the Light Brigade is aptly describing quite a few greytide rounds as Sec. 
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
  • I've never had a chance to do this, but Cargonia secedes all the time; why can't Sec?
  • Draw a picture! - OK, I drew one, will edit it in shortly.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): 

Huh, can't seem to edit, or I'm getting REALLY old. So here: https://imgur.com/smmHTqZ

Messages In This Thread
HoS Application - by LeifSA - 12-28-2020, 02:18 AM
RE: HoS Application - by Slazenger - 12-29-2020, 05:26 AM
RE: HoS Application - by Studenterhue - 01-16-2021, 11:44 AM

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