Deekin Mentorship Application
Usual character name: Deekin DOOM scale
BYOND username: iansdoor
Discord username (if you are on our discord): iansdoor#6387
Goon servers you play: RP1 RPO
References: Zergspower[weirdo lizard]; Tiggersaurus [Dr. Squiggles]; Kamades [Fellow secoff-in-arms]

Reason for application + game experience:

        I am be simple in that I have a desire in becoming a mentor to help those that aren't familiar to BYOND, their role, or Space station 13. I already do help and explain in most of my shifts lately as a command head or fellow co-worker. Especially, when I see someone struggling or just getting into the "new" job. Those folks don't "ask" away for help but I have been in their shoes and its tough when you aren't sure of anything. My goals are for everyone in my departments to have fun and succeed in anything that they were putting their mind into as well as being able to hold their own. This does take quite a few shifts to build an understanding and fine-tuning of what you can do.
       This is very similar to my experience as I first started as well. I was usually trapped as the solo engineer with no current knowledge to do anything. the beginning of ss13 took me about 6 shifts to get how to eat and probably 10 shifts to drink stuff. I am always thankful about blundering into things and have people teach me the small stuff with looc. The first couple of engineers to really show me a general run of the engine was Griffin Roach and Jacoby Vujic. These guys, (even as antags) didn't ask for much and give me their attention and my freedom to fail and then learn from mistakes together. Learning the engines still took me a long time with alot of trial and error and there was alot of bonding with specific crazy engineers that stay for 2 hours and 11 minutes to see our ending result. I am currently learning more ideas and concepts from engineering with a group of peers.  
     In closing, not alot of folks like engineering department as they see their jobs to be too steep in its understanding. I am hoping by being a mentor that I will bridge the steep taunting roles as fairly easy to get your foot if the listener is interested in the big picture of each job and that my enthusiasm about part of any crew leaks in a positive way to other members. (alittle out of context, but my personal smile and my laugh has been known to be infectious and I have received alot of comments and compliments about it. I have always felt this to be the case in my gaming as well.)

Thanks for the reading and see ya on the next shift.

Messages In This Thread
Deekin Mentorship Application - by iansdoor - 12-26-2020, 05:04 PM
RE: Deekin Mentorship Application - by Kamades - 12-26-2020, 09:13 PM
RE: Deekin Mentorship Application - by Zergspower - 12-26-2020, 09:22 PM
RE: Deekin Mentorship Application - by Splints - 12-29-2020, 01:31 AM

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