12-24-2020, 05:23 PM
Something to keep in mind is that some jobs get exclusive gear to make sure they have something others can't find elsewhere. IIRC it's the case with medbay's defibs (although they're scannable and cargo can order them) and deconstructors for engineerin/mechanics.Arguably seed planters can be said to be that as well? Although you do need to hack a vending machine for one. Cargo can already do a good job at being botany as far as I know, Never done it myself. Adding a deconstructor to the mechlab crate means that you can just be mech lab for 35k.
I'm aware that this isn't bulletproof, with the crates available and hacking being a thing. We probably don't want to let cargo easily put other departments out of a job though. (Heck, you can probably already make medbay's shift a bore by teleporting a medkit crate to every pad at round start.)
I'm aware that this isn't bulletproof, with the crates available and hacking being a thing. We probably don't want to let cargo easily put other departments out of a job though. (Heck, you can probably already make medbay's shift a bore by teleporting a medkit crate to every pad at round start.)