Mentor Application - Bartimeus973
I have a hard time with bartimeus. At the same time they have lots of knowledge and probably help people, but they also like to use that knowledge and absolutely powergame on everyone with it as antag. Sure they respect their antag status and dont use it when not antag, but thinking that "frustrating security" is a fun objective? Maybe its fun for you, but its called frustrating for a reason, its not fun for security. And security having to go as far as executing you to actually make you stop? That sucks, since your end goal isnt to execute as security, especially on RP where everyone would rather let you deal with situations with words and converstations. Social interaction is what thrives on the RP server and every time they're antag they seem to forget that entirely.

I'm sorry, not a recommendation for me, you may know a lot of stuff and you may be helpful to people. But i almost never have fun seeing you as an antag and i can see the rest of the crew suffers with it too.

Messages In This Thread
Mentor Application - Bartimeus973 - by Bartimeus - 11-21-2020, 09:21 AM
RE: Mentor Application - Bartimeus973 - by Akride - 11-28-2020, 02:23 PM
RE: Mentor Application - Bartimeus973 - by Gert - 11-28-2020, 02:26 PM
RE: Mentor Application - Bartimeus973 - by Luxizzle - 12-22-2020, 03:12 PM

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