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A 'respected' position that isn't Sec or Command staff
(12-18-2020, 06:42 PM)Superlagg Wrote: Whitelisted roles? Nah. Non-antag roles? I like it.

Maybe another role other than sec that is ineligible for being an antagonist, able to be metarespected, minus the arsenal. Not sure which role this should be, but it might be a better idea than more role gatekeeping.

You could argue that's kind of what construction worker was, and look how that went...

(12-18-2020, 07:36 PM)MoonJesus Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 06:30 PM)Drago156 Wrote: I've no doubt said it before but I'll say again that security is seriously under equipped for dealing with just about any lethal and majorly destructive force, and if there were more tools at the disposal of standard sec, then I think the stark contrast and difference between HoS, NTSO, and a standard officer wouldn't be as big or concerning.

There needs to be a balance though. If Sec is able to just be a brick wall to every possible threat then antags wont get to pull any hilarious or chaotic hijinks at all. There is a tribal justice to the station that takes place and theres plenty of vigilantes out there who go out of there way to attack known antags. Buffing sec any more than they currently have been isn't the answer.

Besides the only 'lethal and destructive' force that comes to mind is nuke ops, multiple wizards, and, idk, well-organized revs? Nuke ops has the entire crew vs them and tend to be grossly unorganized or incompetent or both, and with Wiznerds usually one or two of them try to be peaceful from the start.

Maybe we need more non-sec roles to have a counter similar to Chaplain being a counter to wraiths and vamps, and the chapel being a safezone from spells.

Also I hate the 'shitter' label. Some people are downright dicks or do rule breaking stuff yeah, but people should be allowed to mess around to an extent and have fun. You get maybe a handful of antag rounds a year if you don't play every hour of every day. Thats why ass day was what it was, so you could blow off steam.

blobs, cooperating antags, heavily armed antags, and arguably even good changelings and vampires are also on that list, and I'm not saying openly giving security officers lethals at roundstart, but it seems counter intuitive to have an armory that's just stun+, like some of that gear should probably be at least semi-decent as lethals to deal with threats that you can't necessarily stun or arrest.

In the chaplain's case you start treading detective territory, where you have a conflict between trust and power. Sure, the chaplain is a very powerful asset against vampires and wizards, but if they're also an antag then they really aren't a great go to option and can abuse that trust to betray you with the very gear they're supposed to use to protect people.

I don't use the shitter label for people who are obviously or clearly an antagonist, I use it to distinguish people who AREN'T antags and yet are still doing antagonistic things or just generally being a griffing ass purely to piss people off, or alternatively for people who are powertripping based off of their role or access.

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RE: A 'respected' position that isn't Sec or Command staff - by Drago156 - 12-18-2020, 09:02 PM

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