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Increase splice success rates in Hydroponics
Okay, a small primer on how splicing chances are calculated.
Each plant species has a variable called "Genome" which is used to track how similar two species are to one another. Generally two species from the same group (eg fruit, veg, herbs) will have genomes which are close to each other, and thus easier to splice.

When splicing, the formula for your chances is worked out like so:
1: Start Splicing Chance at 100%
2: Compare the genomes of the two seeds, subtract the lower one from the higher one
3: Multiply the sum of step 2 by 10, then subtract that from the splicing chance
4: If either seed has damage from infusing, subtract damage amount from splicing chance
5: Cap splicing chance between 0 and 100 to prevent bugs
6: Perform the check to see if splicing succeeds or not

So, an example.
You're trying to splice Weed (genome 2) with Synthmeat (genome 7).
You start with 100% splicing chance.
Subtract low genome from high genome: 7 - 2 = 5
Multiply that by 10: 5 * 10 = 50
Subtract that from the splicing chance: 100 - 50 = 50
Assuming you haven't damaged either seed with infusion, you have a 50/50 chance for this splice to succeed. That's not so good odds, of course. So how can we improve them?

When seeds are successfully spliced, the hybrid has a new genome which is the average of the two, calculated by adding the two plant's genomes together and then halving it. Assuming you successfully spliced Weed and Synthmeat, the new genome would be (from (2 + 7) / 2) 4.5.

What you need to do is chain. The genomes are generally done by group:
Herbs have very low genomes, grasses and veg are in the middle, and fruit has very high genomes. Alien plants and weeds have genomes that are all over the place. This isn't a general rule either, there are exceptions here and there! Commol has a genome that's more in the vegetable group than the herb group with it being a root rather than a leaf, for example.

I designed the system so that you would have to figure out breeding chains and whatnot in order to be able to pull off certain splices, since I didn't basically want you to have ridiculous Immortal High-Yield Honey Weed Medicine Melons without a bit of work. Any feedback would be appreciated though.

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