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[PR] Remove the "human" requirement from law 2.
(12-13-2020, 01:25 PM)Mordent Wrote: From the context of the RP server the thing this "fixes" is a non-issue. I'm unsure how often it comes up on non-RP.

That I can ignore commands from non-human crew adds a lot of depth to my interactions with the crew. Occasionally pulling a "no" after listening to them for a while creates some interesting situations.

With the law worded this way, a known changeling captain still has to be listened to (where the orders don't directly harm humans). That creates a larger problem than this "fixes".

I'd like to also add that it wouldn't make sense to do this just for law 2, because it would be weird to have "yeah, you need to listen to this changeling captains orders, but you're free to kill them if you want". The current lawset adds depth, as Mordent said, and I've honestly not seen it create anywhere near as many problems as the removal of "human" from law 2 would.

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RE: [PR] Remove the "human" requirement from law 2. - by Trustworthy - 12-13-2020, 02:01 PM

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