Mentor/HoS Application/ Charles Tucker/Science the Clown
Usual character name:  Charles Tucker or Science the Clown
BYOND username: AlyasGrey
Discord username (if you are on our discord):[GoD]Alyas the Grey/Caban
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play:  RP1, Goon main, GRPO

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

To put it as simply as possible...  I have been playing occasionally since the mid-2000s but until mid-2020 was never a consistent presence on any Goonstation server.  But since encountering individuals like Doctor Donk Pockets, Fleur, Ruby and absolutely countless others didn't understand the community aspects of what Goonstation represents.  There is a genuine love and effort given by those responsible for the maintenance of the community here that I admire and respect that, perhaps and this is an extremely regrettable perhaps, I personally feel I have not lived up to in every aspect that I should have.  The long and short of it is that I've been a moderator and administrator in games on a frequent basis before, in other games, and have always maintained a standard of behavior that I will continue to strive for and do strive for in every other aspect of my life extending far beyond the games I play.  I fully understand and accept a rejection here by those who have to maintain order among the players on these servers without compensation.  However, even in the event of rejection I hope that you will all maintain some observation of my behavior as a player and consider me in the future as someone you could trust to represent that values that Goonstation ideally represents.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):  Zero, however I was cautioned one time previously for killing another player unjustly.

Usual character name:  Charles Tucker/Science the Clown
BYOND username: AlyasGrey
Discord username (if you are on our discord): [GoD]Alyas the Grey/Caban
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Goon main, Goon RP1, GRPO

Reason for application:  A genuine desire to provide an example to other security and demonstrate the proper application of goon spacelaw within the context of goon servers

Security experience (300 word minimum):  More frequently than not I have played as command and detective.  Within my role as HoP, my most common command role, I have understood my place as tertiary to Captain and HoS within the chain of command.  Personal military experience has taught me to respect the chain of command to avoid inserting myself into areas that my role does should not involve myself in.  Beyond that, within the role of Detective, I primarily avoid taking an active role as security but function as an adjunct to security as I believe the role should perform.  When existing as a member of security I am a lenient individual who takes a primarily hands off approach that  prioritizes the fun and creativity of individual players above my own "fun".  My desire is not to "win", but to engage the playerbase in the best narrative possible.  I have consistently advocate against the execution of players, including those who might be designated "greytiders" in exchange for engaging the greytiders in some form of narrative that attempt to include their players... who often seem to be bored due to lack of engagement from security...  in some form of villain vs. police narrative.  Obviously when the desire of individual players to damage the experience of others for their own graitification I take steps, however I attempt... even if it affect my own enjoyment...  to keep my efforts to rectify negative situations within the bounds of Goonstation's 'spacelaw'.  I have preempted outright exection countless times and have advocated for the rights of prisoners, both within and without security repeatedly.  I will continue to do so, and when attempts are made by members of security or command to circumvent spacelaw I will countinue to rely on ahelping as administrators are the ultimate abritrators of Goonstation rules.  To be franky, I am specifically applying as HoS due to what I view as abuses from other heads of security against players that I presume were born of frustration.  To speak frankly, my job requires me to manage dozens of individuals who do not always get along and I have absolutely no problem nor concern for making anyone happy if they are unwilling to follow the rules that bind our organization together an maintain a coherent and cohesive organization.

Answer  two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?  Treat security much like parenthood.  If you are so frustrated with another player that you are inclined to start attacking them or attempting to physically punish them give the individual a timeout and step away long enough to breathe.  Grounding/timers exist for a reason.  Your role is ENTIRELY to ensure the enjoyment of other players.  We function in concert with antagonists and non-antagonists to tell a compelling story while allowing others to do their jobs in ways  THEY find compelling.   Prioritizing your own enjoyment over others mean you are unsuited to the job and should consider a more secondary role until your perspective changes.

  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) - On GRP I rather enjoyed a round in which I played as a changeling and was interrogated for changeling secrets to improve NT intelligence in order to counteract the changeling threat.  As security I've enjoyed advocating for the rights of human players, primarily clowns, who had embarrassed members of security but not presented a serious threat.  With my playstyle, in recent weeks, primarily focused on clown play I've particularly enjoyed being the clown who is kind to security and tries to reassure them of their value as human beings and as members of the SS13 staff.  I understand the stress of being called "shitsec" on a regular basis and want them to understand and feel their importance to each productive member of the crew.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    A single traitor slot, at the miscreant level or below, for security players when there at least three other non-detective players outside of HoS.  Beyond that, a roundstart role as lawyer/attorney on an application basis much as HoS... which I would happily apply for approval as and play regularly within my real life role as an attorney with too much time in his hands.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.  Little to none beyond giving more slack personally when running solo vs. being friendlier as part of a large group.  At the end of the day I follow the order of command.  If command is indifferent to crime, when I am a solo security officer, I will be much more indifferent.  Of course in the event of individuals engaging in activities such as bombing arrivals or escape I will engage lawbreakers more aggressively unless specifically directed not to by command.  I feel my role is to follow the orders of my bosses.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
The clown monkeyed cap
So he spent time in prison
then we ate burgers
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Intentionally incompetent clown security who handcuffs himself repeatedly.  
  • Draw a picture!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

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Mentor/HoS Application/ Charles Tucker/Science the Clown - by AlyasGrey - 12-13-2020, 01:23 AM

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