HOS/NTSO Application
Incredible application. Lawrence is a joy to play rounds with. Most of my experience has been as AI with officer Whemair, and as an officer he's funny, he's communicative, and he applies punishments for crimes that seem fair. He does a lot of work in Sec HQ, that I find super invaluable, coordinates with his other officers well and is willing to step into a kind of leadeership spot there with directing people to things he's hearing on radio or seeing on the cameras, confirming with people heading out to requests, and moving records. Going toe-to-toe with antags is certainly part of his skillset too, but I find his dispatch work to really be what makes him stand out on a team of officers, and find that it significantly improves the quality of responses and responsiveness of security in a round. A trait I think is really important for HoS is that ability to coordinate, which Lawrence does solidly.

I've also had a fair bit of fun with Luigi/Lawrence when not AI! I was part of the nukie team playing AGAINST Lawrence on his NTSO round, which was really fun and goofy, and I remember Bill's admin announcement for NTSO Whemair and looking at my Commander and saying "We're screwed"; and most memorably, I was the Syndicate intern hired during his, uh, defection from NanoTrasen. But that round stands out to me, and was really excellent to be a part of, because I think Lawrence had two other skills down that are important for a HoS, especially on the RP servers:

1. Lawrence understood good flow of a round and worked with Security on the NSS Horizon to create a good back-and-forth between crew and himself, used general comms so everyone could see and interact with the conversation and knew where we were in the story at what point, and generally drew things out long enough that there was a neat little narrative going.

2. Lawrence worked to get as many people involved as wanted to be. Again, discussions were often on general comms, they recruited both me and the HoP, and then we walked around a little and invited others to join us, if they wanted better dental benefits.

+1 from me, Luigi has a good sense for how to direct stories and how to involve others, is a great asset on teams where he can coordinate and communicate, and I think his style of HoS would be really beneficial for the RP servers!

Messages In This Thread
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by nefarious6th - 12-10-2020, 10:33 AM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by jan.antilles - 12-12-2020, 05:38 PM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by ArbitraryKnapsack - 12-24-2020, 12:32 PM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by Drewmajor11 - 12-24-2020, 03:28 PM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by Telareti - 12-26-2020, 09:21 PM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by Slazenger - 12-29-2020, 05:32 AM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by virvatuli - 01-15-2021, 01:53 AM

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