HOS/NTSO Application
Usual character name: Lawrence Whemair
BYOND username: ThatsMamaLuigiToYouMario
Discord username (if you are on our discord): [b]ThatsMamaLuigiToYouMario[/b]
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: RP1

Reason for application: Well, I’ve been in Nanotransen Security for quite some time now, and I personally think that I’m ready to elevate to a brand new level. I feel as if these HOS’ are more of a need then a want in some shifts, and I want to have that role to lead security to great success. Plus, that pasta looks mighty fine, and I feel guilty having it lay there shift after shift going uneaten and stale. 

Security experience (300 word minimum):
I've had the pleasure of doing security for quite a while. Technically, I've been doing it since day 1, but was unfortunately self-relieved of my position after an accident with a Medical Director saying mean things to me, which hurt my feelings. These of course were not my finest moments. I mainly stayed to my own devices, never using my radio and always sticking to my own goals. I retired, waiting out in space for the day in which I was needed again. Then, I get a call. The NSS Manta, under attack by a heavily armed nuclear group, needed ME specifically. At first, I questioned this call to action. Why would Nanotransen care about me, a retired security officer, to protect one of the greatest military vessels to ever sail? After all, I wasn't much of a weapons guy, having more in common with a mallcop then an elite special ops unit. But, they insisted, and I was delivered to the NSS Manta with a plasma rifle and newly-returned dreams in hand. As I battled these members of this elite group, I was severely injured and unable to proceed with a current line of duty, being demoted back to the rank of a mall cop. But, on that day I made a vow to go up the corporate ladder not by chance but by my own skill and communication to my team members.

Now, at first this was hard. I quickly returned to my old methods of running around and not communicating with my security members. However, overtime I developed new skills, skills which I learned from experience and from senior officers such as Gunnar Gustaffson, Digornio Pizzarelli, and many more. As time grew on I opened up, calling up security members when required, becoming (somewhat) of a better shot with my taser, instructing brand new officers on how to use the automated quartermaster and go about their business, and at least attempting to put the unruly officers of the security force where they belong. As of today, I sit at the front desk of security, holding a metal given to me by Captain Artorius Kingston for... something (It was blank). I manage the security team as best as I can, dispatching them when a radio call is missed, setting arrest records when required, dealing with front security visitors and overall helping out when it is required. I've come a long way since I started this job, and, well, I'm proud of myself for who I am today.

Answer two or more of the following:

What advice would you give to other sec players?

There’s quite a few things that I have in mind. Now, some of these probably have been said before, but they’re good ideas and the ideas that I think everyone should follow by these days. Best told when you’re sitting down and having a cup of Wired Dan’s Kafe Kick with the new guys.

  1. USE THE RADIO AND COMMUNICATE! I can’t stress this enough to brand new officers coming into this field here. No one likes a guy who goes off on his own, ends up meeting some lunatic with 2 chainsaws as his arms and ends up dying with the whole god-dang security force not knowing what happened to them! Sure, they’ll probably get revived, but this problem here could’ve been dealt with in a bit more of a timely matter if the officer simply said that there’s a dude with chainsaws for arms running around chopping up anyone he sees. This applies to the public radio, too! If some guy radios in that an alien is gnawing his face in using a cocktail of acid, knockout drugs and god knows what else, then I bet he’s gonna expect a pretty quick response to the matter at hand and not have to wait 10 minutes for an officer to show up. 
  2. Keep your weapons holstered. This ain’t as important as the rest of these, but it’s still a thought to keep in mind. Always have whatever you’re holding in your pocket until you engage the target. Else, you run the risk of some asshat in a greysuit or some guy in some weird colourful outfit with a red nose come up to you, shove ya and take your taser/baton/shotgun/rifle. If that happens during a chase, well, say goodbye to engaging your target effectively.
  3. Don’t be too harsh. You gotta understand that not everyone out on this station is out to kill these security folks. Most of them just commit an accident and would like to move on with their day. I mean, sure, if some guy’s carving out everyone’s skulls with a scalpel and a saw and making his own personal skullbot army within the depth of maintenance then, yeah, you better put his ass in the brig and talk to him, maybe even call a psychologist or something. But, most guys are just here to move on with their days. So, take it easy. Give em a ticket, or, if it was a pretty severe accident, give em enough brig time that is justified.
  4. Communicate with the folks brought in. This kinda relates to #3, but you should always communicate with your guys that you bring in about what happened. No one likes a finger pointer who says these things without having proof of these things actually happen, and no one wants to sit through a sentence which they didn’t deserve. Try and interrogate a suspect first. If you can’t find anything regarding their supposed “Crime”, what’s the point of prosecuting? Let em go, maybe with a warning if you suspect it personally. Nothing more.
  5. Have fun. I find that most officers don’t follow this rule. The truth is, we’re a private security force which gets compared on the daily to mallcops. I find that most folks take this way too seriously, trying to live up to this public perception decided by our fellow crew members. I’ve seen some whacky stuff which I’m definitely not paid enough to deal with, like some engineering guy making the singularity into edible loaves, some officer drinking a full vending machine’s worth of coffee and smoking all the packs in a cigarette machine, and some janitor deciding that he’s a cleaning robot who only feeds off of viscerite and lives in a closet within security. So, issue some tickets, swirlie some criminals, and smile while you’re doing it. Just, be ready to get down to business when it's required.
What was one of your favourite security moments (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

Hmm… well, there’s this one time which I… may or may not have defected over to the syndicate for a short while. Look, the circumstances were kinda harsh, I wasn’t getting paid, and they had dental insurance. So, as my first assignment I’d be “Defecting” back to Nanotransen in order to get some new recruits for these syndicate operations. So, there I was, the singular syndicate operative who had to infiltrate that NSS Horizon ship who had a staff of about 50+ employees of Nanotransen. So, I first went to the AI Core to try and… change up a few things, mainly attempting for it to spit some Syndicate Propaganda stuff. Anyhow, some French Security Officer by the name of Flour or something stumbled across me trying to break into this AI core. I at first tried explaining myself, before she pulled out a taser and shot me a few times. I was able to flee out into space, before she calmed down and explained the situation to her. Not before long, some other guys, one of those fancy NTSO SO’s showed up and put me into that port-a-brig, citing it for “The safety of personnel”. Anyhow, I end up in the interrogation room, and tell some story of how all my co-workers were eaten by bats, and they believed me I think. So, the NTSO wisks me off to some private area and reveals that he’s actually a syndicate operative himself, some guy named after some pizza company who I met at the annual syndicate potluck last week. He tells me to put on a disguise due to our mission being “Compromised” or whatever. We recruit some intern from the security force along the way, and then get the HOP on-board too. I fly em back to the operating base, and the mission is deemed a success. I kinda had to retire from the syndicate after that. They asked me to strap a bomb vest filled with some sorta gas and walk out into the bar of another shift, and I wasn’t having any of that. They let me go a week or so later.

Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.

Eh, pretty simple but drastic changes from each other. As the only officer on-duty, I usually patrol the main hallways, keeping a lookout for crime and whathaveyou, nonsense, and if there’s another guy communicating with him. I try my best to respond to any security calls I can, and take less of a leadership role at this time due to simply having no folks lead. A full security team’s a different story, though. Usually, when there’s a full force I try and remain at mainsec and take on a leadership role of sorts, issuing commands, dispatch for officers, changing and checking records, and, y’know, general administration stuff.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/Nanotransen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

There once was a robot named Beepsky
Who was in charge of managing a draftee.
He was quite a lad,
But Beepsky got mad,
And the hurt was laid on the trainee.

He screamed as the baton went down,
As beepsky brandished a slight frown.
The man was minced,
He continued to wince,
And beepsky was destroyed by the clown.

[b]What’s a security gimmick that you’ve ran or wanted to run?

Well, I heard that drugs fetch a pretty good penny nowadays. I wouldn’t mind the extra cash if I could deal out some of those when I got the chance. I mean, sure, probably frowned upon by Nanotrasen, but there ain’t any rules saying I can’t directly DEAL drugs in space law. Only about possession, and, well, I’ve got a contraband license, don’t I? 
// definitely would not do this as HOS or NTSO

Draw a picture!
Well, I ain’t much of a drawer, but here’s an artist’s representation during that one shift I served as the NTSO, with those special nuclear operatives or what you call em.
[Image: Artist-s-representation-of-NSS-Manta-operation.png]
 Man, that was something, I tell ya.

[b]Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):[/b]
No, I’ve never been in a band.
// no

Messages In This Thread
HOS/NTSO Application - by ThatsMamaLuigiToYouMario - 12-10-2020, 02:28 AM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by nefarious6th - 12-10-2020, 10:33 AM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by jan.antilles - 12-12-2020, 05:38 PM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by ArbitraryKnapsack - 12-24-2020, 12:32 PM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by Drewmajor11 - 12-24-2020, 03:28 PM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by Telareti - 12-26-2020, 09:21 PM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by Slazenger - 12-29-2020, 05:32 AM
RE: HOS/NTSO Application - by virvatuli - 01-15-2021, 01:53 AM

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