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Potential Change(s) of Balance for the Skeleton Trait
As the title suggests, I wish to change the balance of the Skeleton trait.

My change that will make up for the inability to be revived are simple and are as follows.
  • Make Calcium heal - Milk is rare enough on the station as is, with it barely existing and there being no way to renew it.  Simply make it so that calcium can heal as well.  To balance this change, simply make it heal for a minuscule amount per calcium.  This change would make some sense seeing as Skele's do bleed calcium.
Not being able to be revived is a huge thing and being able to heal easier might make up for it, or if you think a different change would be more appropriate, tell of it in the comments of this post.  

I do know that some coffees also contain milk, but those have milk in such minuscule amounts, it is barely worth it.

Edit: Got more ideas for changes that seemed neat, not sure how balanced or easy these would be to do.  Will update below as I get more.

  1. Corpse Harvesting - Harvest a corpse for bones that you can use for reinforcing or healing.  A corpse that has had its bones taken will have this noted when it is examined.  This would allow you to heal a bit more or if it fortifies, allow it to prepare for combat in some fashion.   However, with the text seen via examining it, it would show that if it was a murder, might point to the murderer of being a skele, making harvesting the corpse risky for the skele to do.
  2. Reverse Healing and Poison - In some systems, if something is undead, poison damage types heal, while healing damages.  This would make it so medical would have to take great care in inspecting the patient so that they don't end up killing them.  This would also allow the skele to make healing for them, but would also make them look suspicious due to them carrying around poisons.
  3. Durable -  Another possible change, inspired by the body detaching one below, might be to make it so skele's are harder to kill, but easier to knockout or to make slip.  Another possibility would to be to make it so skele's take less suffocation damage, due to no lungs.

  4. This glorious idea from KikiMofo
Quote:Let skeletons remove and attach their own limbs and head. Kinda like plant limbs except remove them at will. I want to see a skeleton pluck off their own head and CHUCK it at someone and then the clown runs up and steals their head so the skeleton body needs to run after them. Also everything the skeleton says still comes outta the head and not the body. You know, classic cartoon skeleton shit.

At this point, in my opinion this is the best idea here.  It is the ideal change that could be done, or at least the best current idea.

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Potential Change(s) of Balance for the Skeleton Trait - by CommaIndividual - 12-08-2020, 11:13 PM

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