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making the engineers start the engine
Just make it so that engineering is bolted down until the engine is started or SMES are turned on. Perhaps the captain / hos / AI can override this lockdown if there are no starting engineers.

The main reason the singularity was started regularly didn't have much to do with receiving death threats from the crew (which were rarely carried out). People started the singularity because it was one more thing that could mess the round up and add a bit of excitement to our boring shifts. There's nothing exciting about arc flashing people from APCs considering you're just as likely to get randomly shocked and slowly killed as the rest of the crew.

How about any extra power generated is automatically sold and each engineer receives a cut of the profits?
What about letting them use mass amounts of power to run some type of particle accelerator that can create various ores / cascade resonances?
Maybe a giant laser beam that can be aimed at the mining level to explode asteroids?

Right now setting up the engine is more like a baby sitting job. You pump in some gas flip a few switches and then wait till it needs fed again. There's really nothing to do in the downtime after you set it up which means most engineers vanish anyways and the engine slowly dies.

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