12-05-2020, 04:38 PM
Just a thought...how about some elements (only visible to the AI) which can appear in the static?
As of now the static feed is just nothing - but how about a metaphoric connection to an idea. The idea of the beyond in BYOND.
An AI seeing caches - strange colorations of static. Unknown data in the beyond.
AI players might click on these points of interest. Play a small mini-game or finish a riddle like on locked chests found in deep space.
Doing this could unlock fancy-flavor-items for the AI of this round.
Look at it like finding a cool reward in an adventure-zone or exploring the mining asteroids/ trench.
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**Ideas for rewards:**
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- Accents for AIs
**(could use the already available ones for ease of coding)**
- Ability for AIs to set themselves a few visual traits like
**(noir, color blindness)**
- Caches which upon completion might enable the AI to start a sort of event, or start one by accident.
**(Eg. send the station 5 cases of medical supplies from a CentComm digital-emergency-voucher.)**
**(Eg. a rabid-robo-mice infestation spawns in some maintenance area. Ooh! Digital Space-Madness!)**
As of now the static feed is just nothing - but how about a metaphoric connection to an idea. The idea of the beyond in BYOND.
An AI seeing caches - strange colorations of static. Unknown data in the beyond.
AI players might click on these points of interest. Play a small mini-game or finish a riddle like on locked chests found in deep space.
Doing this could unlock fancy-flavor-items for the AI of this round.
Look at it like finding a cool reward in an adventure-zone or exploring the mining asteroids/ trench.
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**Ideas for rewards:**
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- Accents for AIs
**(could use the already available ones for ease of coding)**
- Ability for AIs to set themselves a few visual traits like
**(noir, color blindness)**
- Caches which upon completion might enable the AI to start a sort of event, or start one by accident.
**(Eg. send the station 5 cases of medical supplies from a CentComm digital-emergency-voucher.)**
**(Eg. a rabid-robo-mice infestation spawns in some maintenance area. Ooh! Digital Space-Madness!)**