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Increase splice success rates in Hydroponics

I played around a bit with splicing today and realized I can achieve combinations through some tricks which I never though possible. The problem is though, that some of this fun stuff you can get is horribly horribly dependent on chance - one of them requires two 20% and one 10% chance splice (that alone is 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.1 = 0.004 = 0.4% success rate - on average, 250 tries), not to mention if you are shooting for a specific species out of this you have to keep your Ds and rs in check. All in all, today, for completing this specific splice I sat 40 minutes in Hydroponics running back and forth between the seed machine and staring at a white screen, with a chatbox full of red splice failed messages. Now in my humble opinion this adds nothing to the game. Most of the things which are good enough to be abused in Hydro are more or less publicly accessible. All in all I'd like you to consider raising the 10-20-30% chances in Hydro to (at least) a 40-50-60% level. I'm sure this change doesn't really ruin any kind of balance but it should make splicing more fun.

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