12-01-2020, 06:10 AM
One thing to consider is that this would give rogue borgs potentially another weapon.
Lights can be used to ignite welding tanks & plasma and possibly do a bit of damage if your stood right under them though im not sure about that. If they do a bit of damage then 6 lights in a narrow corridor might even be enough to crit, stacking explosions atleast in chemistry works very well.
Just imagining a army of borgs rebuilding lights everywhere so the AI could just blow them as soon as someone walks passed. That would be quite funny.
Lights can be used to ignite welding tanks & plasma and possibly do a bit of damage if your stood right under them though im not sure about that. If they do a bit of damage then 6 lights in a narrow corridor might even be enough to crit, stacking explosions atleast in chemistry works very well.
Just imagining a army of borgs rebuilding lights everywhere so the AI could just blow them as soon as someone walks passed. That would be quite funny.