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[PR] Adds the taser rifle, replaces taser shotgun in Sec Control loadout

About the PR
Adds a taser rifle. Has 2 modes, a 3 shot burst and single shot.
Replaces the taser shotgun in the Sec Control loadout

Why's this needed?
Taser shotgun is kinda of meh. The spread is extremely niche, since the occasion of having to use it against multiple targets is pretty rare and successfully hitting those shots isn't that easy.

The general design of the taser rifle is to -

1. offer a stronger, more aggresive taser option at the cost of a limited number of shots (about 5 bursts will drain it completely) and it being 2 handed, meaning you're limited to just the rifle until you put it away. The cell can't be replaced, so once the taser is drained, you need to go recharge it.

2. The single shot option is still there, however its weaker than a regular taser shot and costs about the same as the burst, meaning that when you're using it, its go big or go home.

3. Provide better crowd control compared to the taser shotgun due to the direct, concentrated fire.

(u)Carbadox & Gannets
(*)Added the taser rifle, a new weapon to replace the taser shotgun in the Security Control loadout belt.
(+)The taser rifle has 2 modes, burst and single shot. It's two handed and it's cell can not be replaced.


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[PR] Adds the taser rifle, replaces taser shotgun in Sec Control loadout - by github_bot - 11-20-2020, 07:00 AM

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