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[PR] Airlock packet protection, take two

[balance] [input wanted]
About the PR
Packets controlling an airlock now need to contain an `access_code` field that matches the door's internal access code.
This code can be found out by either bruteforce or by unscrewing the access panel and looking at a tiny display inside.
Currently the code is randomly generated number between 1 and 32.
The code has a chance to get scrambled when pulsing the AI control wire.
Providing incorrect code has a chance to make the door beep and blink red.

Why's this needed?
Currently packet hacking is a bit too powerful. Arguably easier than wire hacking, possible to automate, possible to do remotely, fast, impossible to detect after the fact and hard to detect as it's happening.
This PR forces you to either bruteforce it which will make the door blink and beep a bit and will take some time. Or you will need to unscrew the access panel to get the code that way which means interacting with the door manually.

I'm considering making the 1-32 range different for different "importance" of doors or maybe straight up not having the display visible on the unscrewed access panel on some doors (armory? head-level acces?). Let me know what you think of that.

(*)When using packets to hack airlocks you now need to provide access_code. You can either guess it or read it from the wire panel.


Messages In This Thread
[PR] Airlock packet protection, take two - by github_bot - 11-18-2020, 11:51 AM

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