Head of Security Application - Jan.antilles (Fleur DeLaCreme)
I feel strongly biased supporting this since Jan is a friend of mine, so I will try to put some reason in before I say whether or not I support this app

Jan is absolutely someone I trust to make a round interesting. They have said multiple times that they are willing to die (in-game) if it makes a good story, and have LOOC'd them multiple times asking if I can fuck with them (usually as AI and one time wraith). It can be said that she doesn't really care about 'winning', which is absolutely a good thing, since it nullifies the drive to powergame to 'win'. It's already a bit obvious since she's a mentor as well, but she can absolutely be trusted with meta-knowledge and not abuse it, either from MHelps or otherwise, or just telltale signs that a specific antag is around (husks, zombies, emags, etc.). Seeing someone try to, in-game, figure out what the fuck some baddie actually is, is quite fun to watch and participate in!
They are also very much so a competent officer. Unfortunately, I've had little direct experience with them as I usually play AI and thus can't get baton'd or hold my own tickets, but regardless, I have seen Jan communicate frequently over the Security radio and assist other departments as needed, as well as participating in shenanigans during slower rounds to help liven things up.
Some side-points. Jan is absolutely not the person I would ever expect to power trip as well, since they always have a friendly demeanor both in-game and out of game. She also absolutely has experience with many many roles, I'd imagine having played most/all jobs at least once or twice, including the silicon and antag roles. That last part isn't a huge deal, but it's nice to have a well-rounded HoS player who can adjust their gameplay to make other peoples' experience better, as they're more likely to be able to understand what those other people are doing (e.g adjusting how they may law an AI since they know how painful paragraph laws can be and how fun interpreting laws can be).

Overall, I give a +1. Again, I feel heavily biased, but I hope my above mini-speech can at least express why I give a +1

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RE: Head of Security Application - Jan.antilles (Fleur DeLaCreme) - by aft2001 - 11-17-2020, 11:58 AM

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