11-17-2020, 12:30 AM
Wait, I need to say more? Jan is one of the security officers out there making rounds better for everyone, including the antagonists. Plus, HAND TYPED FRENCH ACCENT. In SECURITY. This is great. We need a french HoS.
Really though, Jan is all the nice things described above - level headed, relaxed, and with a great sense of escalation. She's done great work on Fridays, and would be a credit to the server on the other 6 days of the week as well.
+5000? Can I do that?
Wait, I need to say more? Jan is one of the security officers out there making rounds better for everyone, including the antagonists. Plus, HAND TYPED FRENCH ACCENT. In SECURITY. This is great. We need a french HoS.
Really though, Jan is all the nice things described above - level headed, relaxed, and with a great sense of escalation. She's done great work on Fridays, and would be a credit to the server on the other 6 days of the week as well.
+5000? Can I do that?