Pinkpuffball81's Mentor Application
(11-10-2020, 12:58 PM)virvatuli Wrote: Without trying to be too harsh, I want to bring up something that I've noticed. On quite a few occasions both ingame and out, you've stated that your goals are to go from HoS whitelist, to Mentor, to Admin. In OOC, you've insinuated that this is a process that is guaranteed, and I've had multiple players reach out to me through DMs to ask if this is true and mention concerns about it.
It's possible that I'm completely reading it wrong, but to me it seems like you view being a Mentor more as a 'notch in the belt' so to speak. While I don't doubt your knowledge of the game, the idea of applying to be a Mentor simply because it's the next rung in the ladder you want to climb, and stating that so openly, really doesn't make me feel great about this application.

oh, i intend using my mentor position to its fullest, and i originally implied that i want to eventually get to the goal of  being admin. i feel like going to admin is not necessary, but it's still a goal i'd like to achieve. my apologies if it seemed like i wanted it only for the status. i truly want to help people and i don't view this as just a status symbol. i'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and i just know that people online will appreciate it more, because people are jerks in the meatspace. i'm sorry for what i said.

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RE: Pinkpuffball81's Mentor Application - by TheRealFlapJackson - 11-11-2020, 12:35 PM

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