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Pod Scanners Shields Weapons Batteries Defense Systems & More
As much as I would like seeing more variety in pods (and regrettably subs), pods are already kind of a major pain to deal with as is. Add some more ways to counter pods that doesn't involve another pod or pod seekers and I'm all for some of these ideas, until then I'd rather not make the powergaming podnerd even more OP and unbearable to fight.

Edit: and btw Boxta, some of those laser types kind of already exist. Heavy Assault Array is equivalent to the singulo emitter lasers and can burn through walls but not girders. Prismatics and E-gun laser for pods are also a thing. And the nuclear missile should not be something you should be able to get outside of maybe admin intervention, because nuclear charges are pretty powerful.

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RE: Pod Scanners Shields Weapons Batteries Defense Systems & More - by Drago156 - 11-07-2020, 01:32 PM

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