11-03-2020, 07:17 AM
I am bumping this because I had more ideas. I do agree that clowns have way too many traitor items at this point, so I would suggest making some of them regular traitor items. Like the Boom Boots. Don't see any reason for those to be clown exclusive. But I really like this idea, damn it, so I'm gonna talk about it more.
Honkshot - the default, similar to the Lawbringer's "detain" mode. Deals stamina damage in an area, and makes a loud HONK sound.
Headshot - the counterpart to the Lawbringer's "clownshot". If it hits someone not wearing a head ID or a head uniform, it does nothing. If it does, it knocks them down and removes their hat, if one is present. The hit should make a suitably slapstick sound, not sure what.
Slipshot - The counterpart to the Lawbringer's "hotshot". Lubes tiles in a line in front of the one firing it, with an appropriate sound effect. Slide whistle perhaps?
Clownshot - Not the Lawbringer one. This one fires a projectile that knocks off the target's mask, if any, and puts a regular clown mask on them. Again, some appropriate sound effect would be needed for the impact.
Pie or Pieshot - Shoots a cream pie at the target, blinding them on hit.
Hose - The counterpart to the Lawbringer's "pulse". Shoots a jet of water that knocks the target back, wets the floor, and extinguishes fires. In this mode the LOLbringer looks like a flower.
Bouncy - Shoots a projectile that, on hit, puts some liquefied space rubber into the target. Instant comedy!
Joyshot or Buzzer - In terms of cost I'd consider this to be the equivalent of "bigshot". Shoots a bolt of lightning, causing BURN and enough stamina damage to be a one-hit stun on most targets.
If someone other than the LOLbringer says "I am the laugh" while holding it, they are instantly cluwned.
Honkshot - the default, similar to the Lawbringer's "detain" mode. Deals stamina damage in an area, and makes a loud HONK sound.
Headshot - the counterpart to the Lawbringer's "clownshot". If it hits someone not wearing a head ID or a head uniform, it does nothing. If it does, it knocks them down and removes their hat, if one is present. The hit should make a suitably slapstick sound, not sure what.
Slipshot - The counterpart to the Lawbringer's "hotshot". Lubes tiles in a line in front of the one firing it, with an appropriate sound effect. Slide whistle perhaps?
Clownshot - Not the Lawbringer one. This one fires a projectile that knocks off the target's mask, if any, and puts a regular clown mask on them. Again, some appropriate sound effect would be needed for the impact.
Pie or Pieshot - Shoots a cream pie at the target, blinding them on hit.
Hose - The counterpart to the Lawbringer's "pulse". Shoots a jet of water that knocks the target back, wets the floor, and extinguishes fires. In this mode the LOLbringer looks like a flower.
Bouncy - Shoots a projectile that, on hit, puts some liquefied space rubber into the target. Instant comedy!
Joyshot or Buzzer - In terms of cost I'd consider this to be the equivalent of "bigshot". Shoots a bolt of lightning, causing BURN and enough stamina damage to be a one-hit stun on most targets.
If someone other than the LOLbringer says "I am the laugh" while holding it, they are instantly cluwned.