Pinkpuffball81's Mentor Application
Yes! Flap is a thoughtful player; it's been a minute since I was on RPO, but from my time there as an AI, Officer-now-HoS/NTSO Jackson is diligent, persistent, and gracious. Flap embodies a certain attitude of giving and enthusiasm, not just in-game but in the community, that I think is essential for a mentor. Flap's also incredibly humble. My only hope for his growth is that he recognizes what a valuable member of the community he is! I've only really played rounds with him when he was Security, but even on that alone, I can tell that he treats everyone and every area with the same thoughtfulness he puts into Security.

+1 from me!

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RE: Pinkpuffball81's Mentor Application - by nefarious6th - 11-02-2020, 03:06 AM

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