HoS application - gurking (Joaquin Fry)
My interactions with you are sporadic, but when they do occur, it is not positive.  I remember one time we got locked into the brig by a compromised AI, and I devised a way to get out;  the portamed.  Since that can only hold one person at a time, we had to go one at a time.  I let you go out first and teleported the portamed with you in it, asking you to then do the same for me after.  You never did.  I PDA'd you repeatedly and you never even responded.  At round end you explained that you 'simply forgot', but seriously?  You literally forgot about me, the guy who got you out of there in the first place, the nanosecond after you stepped out of the portamed?  You said you were 'too  focused on resetting the AI' as your explanation, but you seriously couldn't have spent the mere seconds it would have taken to break me out of imprisonment? 

Not only was this a bad move strategically, but more importantly it was a terrible player-to-player interaction.  It really gave the impression you are more interested in validhunting than in protecting the station or the crew.

I also recall a time you detonated a bomb on the shuttle, as an antag granted, but still a dick move.  Your excuse was that some sec officers were on you, and even if they were about to hypothetically kill you (and if they did so without valid reason, thats ahelpable), how does detonating a bomb thats virtually guaranteed to kill you to increase your odds of survival?  What in-character reason did you have?  It struck me as a spite move, and builds into my personal impression of you:  Validhunty when not an antag, validbomby as antag. 

I wont speak for the other servers, but all this happened on RPO, and is behavior that should be discouraged there.

Sorry, but I have to give a -1 here.

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RE: HoS application - gurking (Joaquin Fry) - by Ion Mage - 11-01-2020, 10:00 AM

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