Mentor Application - Jacoby Vujic (Zergspower)
Usual character name: Jacoby Vujic / Potato-11
BYOND username: Zergspower
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Zergspower#9999 (Nickname: Zergspower (Jacoby - MD/CE))
Recommended by (if applicable): n/a
Goon servers you play: RP1 and rarely RPO

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

I have used Mentors a couple of times when I was starting out and even more recently to get an idea on a specific thing, I'd simply like to return the favor in the long run. Quite frankly I really enjoy teaching and helping people in-game and if I can I’d like to extend it to a more neutral zone when people need assistance. 
On Experiences: I started out in SS13 with Engineering back in April or May but really started to focus on only playing Goon around July/August. It was then when I late-joined into the CE role and got me heavily addicted to the server (RP1). Specifically I currently play MD/Doctor/CE/Borg or late join as a ghost drone or a fun role that needs help, I find I am most successful when I play borg as I can sort of ‘do everything’ that I’d normally want to do in a round with far fewer distractions. I even now still show the other borgs some tricks that I’ve picked up along the way and always try to help them form a borg personality that suits them and can roll with.

AI/Borg: I’ve at this point probably played more Borg than any other role simply due to that flexibility noted above, I of course have done AI a handful of times and fortunately the abilities and controls are shared between the two so it’s easy enough to catch on.  Quite frankly It’s the most fun role to have especially when my known borg friends are playing (BEE, Beep Boop and Potato-12 for example) as we each know what the other is both capable of and what they’ll do once we get the ‘startup’ phase done with robotics. Many borg shenanigans ensue especially when Frank and Fronk are found.

Medical: About a month or so ago (Covid makes time hard to track) I rolled a doctor and realized that surgery was my jam. I can do most organs without the ref sheet but I can still double check – the chem usages are known except for a couple niche ones that I just never have a need to use.  I’ve played enough MD rounds to keep the station alive and try my best to save as many people as I can, though I’ve missed the shuttle after a bad Radstorm trying to get the clones done as fast as I can.

Engineering: My bread and butter and my default module on every borg game I play.  I don’t think I’ve missed a role and while I’m still finding a few tricks here and there on efficiencies I think I’m at a wall with major learning hills to climb.  My downside here would probably be teleport building as I generally focus on the station health over the fun parts.  My CE rounds are the most fun because I can do all the roles in one, I’ve had a few rounds where I was the miner QM and sole engineer and they went well enough. If the roles are filled, I put on a mad scientist hat and see how far we can take the Singularity with Monkeys.

Security: Hah, kidding. I just started this role recently and only as a late join situation. Still have a lot to learn here so outside of trying to play the ‘good cop’ role I can’t really state much here. I have a HoS friend who I bug for specifics a lot.
All in all, I want to be a mentor purely to expand how I help the players I play with and new people that join. I feel it’s a natural path that I should take with how I portray myself ingame and out of the game with helping those that I see need it (or if they ask!).

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None

Messages In This Thread
Mentor Application - Jacoby Vujic (Zergspower) - by Zergspower - 10-30-2020, 06:07 PM

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