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Testing the waters - expanding hypospray whitelist with MD access
I feel like even if medbay does use some of the stuff offensively... so? We already do the injectors. Would it be so bad for a medic to be able to morphine the clown that keeps space lubing medbay? Or to have a close range deterrent that makes people have to bail? Like this seems like a positive for being able to do more but if it has offensive advantages, so be it. The armory exists, that genie is out of the bottle. Might as well diversify if it improves QoL for others as well. Give medbay some cool toys to up their game, offensive capabilities are a secondary concern, especially when injectors already exist.

Like let's look at this...
Security has the armory.
Botany can grow flaming explosive tomaotes.
The barman can whip up deadly cocktails in a glass to throw and has a shotgun (the chef also can use these facilities).
Engineers can vent plasma anywhere in the station, sometimes even blue heated.
QM can order all kinds of awful stuff...
Mining can literally mine tossable explosive stuff.
We really gonna be like "DoN't GiVe mEdBaY bEtTer HyPos tHeY MiGhT pUt PeOpLe tO SlEeP aFtEr ThIrTy SeCoNds"
Half the good shit in the game can be used for bad. I feel the good outweighs the bad, and hell the bad is just more tools to make people have different approaches to their traitoring if they used em.

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RE: Testing the waters - expanding hypospray whitelist with MD access - by vampirate - 10-30-2020, 09:59 AM

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