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Testing the waters - expanding hypospray whitelist with MD access
This is quite a neat idea; honestly, it always upset me that I could have my synaptizine/atropine mix in one hypospray to save someone from deepcrit. However, I think there should be a caveat:

If an expanded whitelist chem is in the hypospray, then the maximum amount that can be injected at any time is capped at a low amount, maybe 5 or 10. If I'm not mistaken, there's already a short cooldown between when you can inject people. This is to better ensure that this won't be used to instantly fill people with morphine and absolutely destroy them.
Maybe have a pinpointer that can locate any unlocked hypospray, too?

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RE: Testing the waters - expanding hypospray whitelist with MD access - by aft2001 - 10-27-2020, 04:58 AM

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