Mentor Application - Gunnar Gustafsson (Slazzy)
Usual character name: Gunnar Gustafsson (Sec/Heads), Heimdallr (Silicon), Anders Svensson (Civ/Antag)
BYOND username: Slazzy
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Slazenger#0003
Recommended by (if applicable): Mrfishstick
Goon servers you play: RP1

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):  Where to start...ultimately I see Mentorship as a way give back to the community.  Goonstation has managed to hijack a large amount of my freetime and I see Mentorship as a way for me to help grow the community and ease newcomers into the game.

When I started, I was clueless and frankly intimidated by the game.  I fortunately ran into some great community members who went out of their way to help me learn the roles I was in and get more confident with interacting with the game's mechanics.  As I gained more knowledge and put in more hours, I switched from being the eager student and became the teacher.  Ever since, a significant portion of time playing has been spent helping others gain general and job-specific knowledge.  

I quickly developed friendships with several of RP's mentors and began (undoubtedly obnoxiously) tapping into their combined knowledge to polish off my own understanding of SS13.  Mentors like Tiggy, virvatuli, adhara, and Technature were always steady, guiding presences in between-round OOC and ingame, helping myself and countless others while demonstrating what a good community member looks like.

Fast forward to now and I genuinely enjoy getting to work with interns, obviously in Sec, but ultimately in any department (be it showing a new engineer how to get things going, providing cheatsheets to new doctors, or just taking some time out to walk around with a brand new intern showing them around a station).  With it being the RP server, I try to go out of my way to do the teaching in-character, both for the enjoyment and engagement that it brings and also to keep it from ever affecting immersion.  When in-character isn't possible, judicious use of LOOC gets us through the rest.  Having mentor tools at my disposal will help make teaching, guiding, and encouraging newer players that much easier.

I'm three months in and still learning plenty, but have a good grasp of most roles on the station and what I'd consider mastery of more than half of them.  Despite my own experience, I'm never too proud or foolish to think I'm above needing a second opinion or help myself.  Ultimately learning SS13 is a massive undertaking, there's no singular "correct" way to enjoy the game, and sharing knowledge between community members is not only one of the best ways to actually learn things; it's also one of the best ways to keep building and growing a successful community.

Also purple is a great color.

Lastly, a rhyming couplets poem of questionable quality:

Feel the heat of a raging hellburn,

Hear the dying gasps of a clueless intern.

He finds it hard to navigate the halls,
With nothing but hot gasses escaping the walls.

Who is that hovering near the spaghetti?
I think she'd rather have a sip of the hot coffee.

She is but a jovial mentor,
Admired as she operates a vendor.

For the intern's energy seems to be depleted,
He needs no plasma, but rather sandwich, toasted.

She's not alone she brings a taser,
a purple mouse, and lots of paper.

The mouse likes to scamper across the hallway,
Away on an adventure to find their protégé.

The spaceman smiles wistfully at his new teacher,
Right as the clown's spacelube slides him to the crusher...

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):  None.

Messages In This Thread
Mentor Application - Gunnar Gustafsson (Slazzy) - by Slazenger - 10-26-2020, 04:56 AM

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