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[PR] Removes unintended advantages/disadvantages of player monkeys caused by ismon...
Merged, so moving to Good ideas! forum. It's not too different from how the original post described these changes. Again, plus means the change is in, minus means it's possible but it's not in the PR (so it's not in the game). So player monkeys giving blobs full biopoints and monkeys being able to have their blood sucked by vampires is in, but not nanomachines making player monkeys into the simple AI-driven robots (e.g. cleanbot, medibot) rather than borgs (by the way, did you know there are player-controllable versions of those bots created around the time Critter Invasion and Pest Invasion events were added?) or player monkeys being able to be instantly meatspiked. (NPC monkeys act same as ever.)

As usual, if you want to make a change related to this idea, like maybe you think that, yeah, player monkeys should be able to be put on a meatspike is a good idea, feel free to make a forum thread advocating for it.

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RE: [PR] Removes unintended advantages/disadvantages of player monkeys caused by ismon... - by Studenterhue - 10-24-2020, 01:40 PM

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