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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk)
For the most part, though, you've either already spent all your telecrystals, or are in such a position where you can't access your PDA. I mean, hell, if he's got an arm blown off, even if he could waste crystals to buy a medkit, he can't open it to get at the life-saving chemicals within. If you're in an airless room, on fire, attacked by a changeling, etc. you're not really going to have the time to order something, hope you get the right thing, and use it.

Perhaps instead of an emergency kit, add in a traitor item for everyone called something like "Boring mundane prep crate". Inside it, is basically every mundane item a traitor might need to steal from somewhere, saving them a bit of time. So it comes with gloves, a filled utility belt, a medkit with a syringe and 5 tanks of the important medications, captain-level ID, space suit, etc. Boring stuff that you can easily round up for yourself with just some time. If you don't have a specific gimmick in mind, if you're really shit at breaking into places, or if you just want to frankly shave 10 minutes off your start-up time, it gives you most everything necessary to start doing almost anything. Even if none of the items are particularly interesting, or traitorous/deadly on their own.

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