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[PR] Adds ways to earn Job XP for Bartender and Chaplain

About the PR
New "Bartender training" trait. Currently used only for distinguishing real barkeeps from wannabes but I have other planned uses for it in the future as well.
Chaplains will now earn Job XP by inately resisting Wizards spells and Vampire abilities. EG, Vampire tries to hypnotise Chaplain, it fails, Chaplain gets 2 XP for it.
Reintroduced Chaplain bible healing as a Job XP gain but on a 3 minute cooldown.
Bartenders now gain XP for shaking their shakers and adding garnishes to glasses (umbrellas, salting rims, adding wedges and adding ice). Applied cooldowns to ice to prevent grinding (might not be neccesary, idk)

I'll work to adding rewards to the respective jobs in the future

Why's this needed?
To lay the ground works for expanding the Job Rewards system

(*)Added ways to earn Job XP for Bartender and Chaplain.
(+)For Chaplain, you can earn it by inately resisting Wizards spells and Vampire abilities as well as using your Bible to heal (or smite) people.
(+)For Bartender, you can earn it by shaking your cocktail shaker and applying garnishes to glasses.
(+)Do note that cooldowns have been applied to some of these methods, so there's no point in trying to speedrun your levels.


Messages In This Thread
[PR] Adds ways to earn Job XP for Bartender and Chaplain - by github_bot - 10-11-2020, 01:04 PM

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