Mentor Application - Jan.antilles
I first met Jan right around when she first joined Goon RP a few months ago, and I quickly took a liking to not only her character, Fleur DeLaCreme, but her literal sense of character. She's a joy to be around and is very understanding, in Discord and in game, putting her all into everything she does and doing her best to put other players first, which is admirable behavior in my book.

Regardless of anything that occurs in the game, Jan is a great person, and I'd like to say that I consider her a friend.

Now, in the game? Very versatile player with a wide range of skills, and she includes others where applicable if she can help it. I've seen her give assistance to new players on many occasions, and I'm sure she would thrive teaching on a regular basis, having a lot of patience and a passion for the game that's a prime example of what it means to love what you do. Not only would it be a travesty not to purple this person, but it would break the space law I just made up. +1 blue hair clan

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mentor Application - Jan.antilles - by Starborn - 10-07-2020, 03:10 PM
RE: Mentor Application - Jan.antilles - by Varali - 10-07-2020, 03:27 PM
RE: Mentor Application - Jan.antilles - by Caro - 10-08-2020, 11:44 AM

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