09-29-2020, 11:38 PM
Probably a weirdo pick but I'll throw in my two cents ere.
Boards of Canada - Satellite Anthem Icarus / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiGRDZBwQGs
I got into the band itself and SS13 at a really iffy time in my life and both sorta stick together in my head. This is generally the sorta sound I like to sometimes listen to on chill late-night rounds, kinda feel like it fits for those lowpop rounds at 4 in the morning. I recently haven't seen to many of those kinds of rounds due to tomatotide, but I haven't played too much since then either. This shitty song and this shitty game give me shitty warm fuzzy feelings when combined.
also Kenny Loggins - Footloose / https://youtu.be/HvropLxYb5c
why Footloose? cheesy 80's bullshit song about dancing. The song of choice to listen to when everything's on fire and security's chasing a particularly slippery antagonist, tripping all over themselves and dying horribly in the process.
Boards of Canada - Satellite Anthem Icarus / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiGRDZBwQGs
I got into the band itself and SS13 at a really iffy time in my life and both sorta stick together in my head. This is generally the sorta sound I like to sometimes listen to on chill late-night rounds, kinda feel like it fits for those lowpop rounds at 4 in the morning. I recently haven't seen to many of those kinds of rounds due to tomatotide, but I haven't played too much since then either. This shitty song and this shitty game give me shitty warm fuzzy feelings when combined.
also Kenny Loggins - Footloose / https://youtu.be/HvropLxYb5c
why Footloose? cheesy 80's bullshit song about dancing. The song of choice to listen to when everything's on fire and security's chasing a particularly slippery antagonist, tripping all over themselves and dying horribly in the process.