09-27-2020, 10:15 AM
Montgommery Scott is a name I recognize, and since I can't think of any negative reasons, it has to be because he's a good influence on sec.
Fosstar himself is also a pretty cool dude I think wouldn't abuse HoS and this entire app is pretty good.
My quick thoughts though.
For the love of god yes. There's no real reason you can't put down a reason in the minor or major crime section. Checking my PDA is the first thing I do when I see someone for arrest, as it's supposed to help determine if I just need to pull them aside and have a quick chat or if I'm supposed to assume the perp is dangerous and that talking to them first could get a man killed. Asking why someone was set to arrest 15 minutes after they were set to arrest means I'm not going to know what it is.
Though you should set someone to incarcerated when they're in the brig. If they break out you can always set them back to arrest to make Beepsky care again. I mean, there's a whole device you can smack people with to change their arrest status as you bring them in. Use it, guys.
Fosstar himself is also a pretty cool dude I think wouldn't abuse HoS and this entire app is pretty good.
My quick thoughts though.
Quote:There's nothing I'm not too fond of more than seeing someone set to arrest and not seeing anything in the records...but I do feel that if you set someone to arrest, you owe it to your team to tell them why you set them to arrest, either via the records or via comms. Also, when you brig someone, make sure to set them to released when you let them out, don't add insult to injury by letting Beepsky beat them up after they've already served their time.
For the love of god yes. There's no real reason you can't put down a reason in the minor or major crime section. Checking my PDA is the first thing I do when I see someone for arrest, as it's supposed to help determine if I just need to pull them aside and have a quick chat or if I'm supposed to assume the perp is dangerous and that talking to them first could get a man killed. Asking why someone was set to arrest 15 minutes after they were set to arrest means I'm not going to know what it is.
Though you should set someone to incarcerated when they're in the brig. If they break out you can always set them back to arrest to make Beepsky care again. I mean, there's a whole device you can smack people with to change their arrest status as you bring them in. Use it, guys.