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Kudzu Drones are underpowered.
1. I never said I was intentionally suiciding on kudzu, its just a way to fight persistent illness as a kudzu-drone, because the health regen isn't anywhere near enough to heal you back from any chronic condition.

2. I feel it's kind of disingenuous to say kudzu people are only supposed to defend existing kudzu when there's an entire UI element dedicated to how many kudzu tiles there are and 3 entire abilities for creating new kudzu tiles, reinforcing existing kudzu tiles, and guiding the direction of kudzu growth. 

The benign kudzu ability even has the description "used to guide kudzu growth" not "used to show you're non-expansionist peaceful baby boys". 

I used the word pseudo-antag, because while the window you get upon spawning as a kudzu drone for the first time explicitly states you're not an antag, kudzu-drones still retain all of these antag-ish features and ability descriptions. There's even unique damage descriptions for being harmed with the kudzu vine. 

It honestly feels like kind of a half-formed idea, and if it's not intended to be even somewhat antagonistic, the ability design certainly doesn't reflect that, in my opinion. 

Also I can't speak to your experience, zjdtmkhzt, and since rounds where kudzu gets established enough to produce kudzu drones don't happen often, I can't speak to whether yours or mine is more common; but that's interesting.

Overall, it seems odd to me at least, that there's this entire group of gameplay features that's roleplayed as a hive-mind of gradually spreading vines, but you're not supposed to try to spread that to the shuttle to establish kudzu on centcom. Which, since kudzu naturally spreads without intervention, would seem to be the logical progression of creating player-controlled active kudzu agents that can move independently of the vines. 

I would love to see it developed more or given its own antag role, maybe starting with some kind of stationary kudzu AI type player as a sort of "competing crew" with the regular crew.

Messages In This Thread
Kudzu Drones are underpowered. - by SlothJustice - 09-26-2020, 08:08 AM
RE: Kudzu Drones are underpowered. - by zjdtmkhzt - 09-26-2020, 11:53 AM
RE: Kudzu Drones are underpowered. - by Alphaeus - 09-26-2020, 12:39 PM
RE: Kudzu Drones are underpowered. - by zjdtmkhzt - 09-27-2020, 02:56 AM
RE: Kudzu Drones are underpowered. - by Mouse - 09-27-2020, 03:58 AM
RE: Kudzu Drones are underpowered. - by SlothJustice - 09-27-2020, 05:13 AM

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