09-21-2020, 06:42 AM
(09-21-2020, 04:26 AM)GORE Wrote: Oi!
What really sounds fun about it - is the wave-based attack of the BODY SNATCHERS, in combination to a slow invasion that makes this type of antag so interesting.
For a start - SECURITY - needs a counter. Could be a chemical that needs to be produced or crafted...chem perhaps? To expose them; or something?
Not just a hud feature feature...but integrating it in the core gameplay playing as the lad trying to stop the invasion.
- - -
BODY SNATCHERS as really weak players...are still players and could probably blow up a lot of the station to achieve their goals.
Since absorbed humans like in the movie tend to still follow their ordinary day routine; there should be an incentive to not fuck over their newly aquired living space.
A hivemind like telepathic connection between all players part of it - could improve team-communication; especially great for RP.
Think this antag has a great RP potential.
Early slow start - potential for great escalation, once the humans have aquired the perhaps slow to produce counter against them BODY SNATCHERS.
BODY SNATCHERS for a slow start should probably be able to hide their pods inside objects...making it harder to notice; like blending in without being immediately called out on by the AI.
Special googles like in the movie "They Live" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4XiKChyK7A - short scene of it).
The pods could be placed in a locker and not just pump out NPC creatures...they could just be used for absorbtion and only other members of the BODY SNATCHERS could be able to visually see the changed state of the locker; without special equipment like chem smoke (NEW CHEM) to expose it forever and taint it or glasses to just being able to see this.
One science and one sec approach to discovering this perhaps. Could be fun.
Their hives might need a central structure to funtion for the following aspects I am going to throw into the room,...
BODY SNATCHERS could be weaker in the sense of lower HP, yes. Perhaps also lower stamina to make it harder to run, overall straight up a human downgrade that requires the collection of infestation wide - hive biopoints; and the communication of the whole team.
The BODY SNATCHERS could vote on upgrades to their global upgrades if they so choose.
Biopoints could be used for [1. Respawning] - [2. Upgrading the WHOLE invasion].
Offering several choices like:
- Body upgrades or extra strength for huge amounts of Biopoints.
- Spawning in a wave of protective NPC critters around each hive.
- The ability to upgrade every pod to be able to offer a character customisation option for every pod; permanently.
- Strange alien abilities like the squreeching you mentioned: to mark a human, so that every BODY SNATCHER member receives a ping about the location of said crewmember - to call other BODY SNATCHERS for help.
Just a few thoughts...spit-balling here.
I like a lot of these ideas. Some kind of mental connection like changeling might be or interesting, but perhaps a bit more crude since they aren't sharing the same body. Like perhaps it's a simple ping system.
"You feel John Smith has reached out to you mentally... "
The screech, being far less subtle, might provide more context.
"You feel a rush through your body. Mary Sue has marked a target in Northern Maintenance!"
I don't think there should be a special requirement for seeing the Snatcher pod, but I like the idea of having some kind of special glasses to help see them. It's kind of like how botany can grow garlic to process into holy water. Perhaps a certain material from mining? Make lenses in the nanofab from... I dunno, clarentine?