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Diminishing returns on consecutive stuns.
The hands are dealt and we are in the heads up; let us see what happens. langricr, under the gun, appears to have been dealt the King of Owned and the Ace of Kneejerk, a strong combination. He calls the big blind, which is currently 1 Bad Idea. Next up is Sundance, with a pair, the Queen of Terrible and the Queen of Farts, not afraid of langricr, he immediately jumps in and raises to 2 Bad Ideas.

Seriously though
[*] There is nothing wrong with stunning.
[*] Diminishing returns would be wonky to keep track of to say the least.
[*] Repeatedly using ANY conventional stun weapon will reduce its charges by 1. Now this may not seem like a big thing but it's pretty inconvenient to run out of charges after you stunned that pubbie one too many times.

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