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[PR] Lizard abilities, wolf heals, and hair powers
My issue with doing it through genetics isn't that they can't/won't, but rather the inconsistency of trying to get even a single specific gene, especially the mutantrace ones. It can take quite some time to get said gene, often more time than the given round permits.

On the topic of spacebux things, you can absolutely buy a number of seriously disadvantageous things already such as corpse or no limbs, and i'm sure there's things already in spacebux that can advantage someone in some way.

Finally, I'm not sure I'm fully understanding the opposition you have against this in general Phoenix, it's not *really* going to chance much in what you can do or how one plays besides allowing peeps to customize their aesthetics a bit more, and if there's concern about this being abused, maybe limit it to a one time only deal per round or something, but scale color doesn't really change someone's ID, clothes, or belongings, which are 3 of the biggest indicators to someone's identity in my experience. I also disagree with limiting it to just RP, considering even the main servers allow RP, just that it's not required, as well as it would be kind of non-sensical to have a feature on one server but not on the other.

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RE: [PR] Lizard abilities, wolf heals, and hair powers - by Drago156 - 09-10-2020, 12:54 PM

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