09-07-2020, 02:33 AM
Good post. At the moment lings barely use horror form unless shit really hits the fan or they are on the shuttle. Like you say they act more like a traitor with super powers, built in sleepy pen and free disguises. There isn't really a transforming flesh monster situation going on until they panic or feel like going totally loud.
Really fond of the Doppelgangers idea! A big part of The Thing was normal people bursting open into monsters and trying to kill you. This would be a lot more fun for the ling victims rather than the current hivemind that is underused. If dead players get to do their own mini ling adventures as doppelgangers and also have more opportunity to be limb critters I think it would go down well. Could be overpowered if the ling can build up 4-6 stealthy traitors sabotaging the station?
Really fond of the Doppelgangers idea! A big part of The Thing was normal people bursting open into monsters and trying to kill you. This would be a lot more fun for the ling victims rather than the current hivemind that is underused. If dead players get to do their own mini ling adventures as doppelgangers and also have more opportunity to be limb critters I think it would go down well. Could be overpowered if the ling can build up 4-6 stealthy traitors sabotaging the station?