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Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept
This is a really interesting set of ideas.
I think the assimilation form should still show clothing as to give some hints of the previous identity. Not just to be a glorified gas mask, but just to give some sense of origin. I think that'd be a bit more fair.
I definitely do think that while Changeling currently gives off The Thing vibes, it doesn't cause as much fear as it should. I absolutely would support a rework such as this.
And yeah, it totally should be its own gamemode. Maybe have two versions, the old one and this one; The old being used in mixed and the new its own version?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by AberrantQuerist - 09-06-2020, 09:28 PM
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Mouse - 10-01-2020, 04:29 AM
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Kira - 10-07-2020, 10:12 AM
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Rilor - 01-28-2021, 07:04 AM
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Rilor - 04-27-2021, 02:20 PM

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