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Add a miniture cap and ball revolver as a traitor item
so my idea is one of these would be a small concealable 4 shot revolver with a lengthy reloading process i think it would be in the 3-4 tc range with large damage fall off the reloading process would be as follows 

step 1. use the included tiny screwdriver to unscrew the cylinder (the tiny screwdriver is just a small screwdriver for unscrewing the cylinder regular screw drivers wont work)

step 2. use an empty hand to remove the cylinder

step 3. remove the spent percussion caps from the cylinder 

step 4.add 3-5u of black powder to the cylinder you can add more for increased damage but it will probably explode

step 5. use the ram rod to ram the lead balls down the cylinder holes 
(you can also use bullets that were cut out of people)

step 6. replace the percussion caps with fresh ones make sure they are firmly attached to the cylinder

step 7. put the cylinder back in screw it tight with the tiny screwdriver then activate it in hand to cock it you are now ready to fire 4 times 

i dont know if this weapon would fill a niche but its very funny to me to kill people with what amounts to an antique

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Add a miniture cap and ball revolver as a traitor item - by subjectparfait - 08-20-2020, 04:21 AM

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