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Give antag critters resistance to flash/maybe other stuns?
I'd say yes to Antag Critters.
Though in reality, they deserve it. They have advantages and disadvantages as a non-human.
Once we realize they're no good though, flashes are an easy win and they're gonna be destroyed.
So I'd say yes to increasing how much stun they receive before going down.

Critters in general though, no. Lots of critters cause small inconveniences for their own amusement.
I find it funny too, and I'm glad they're having fun. Sometimes this comes at great expense though.

Just last night I was fighting VAMP+3 zombies. Almost got them all but a roach kept dragging away my port-a-brig.
I lost, I feel as a result of that. I'm not mad yet I appreciate being able to stun him quickly so he's not a problem.

(BTW I think Fire elementals already have a decent stun resistance, they don't go down like normal critters, takes longer.)

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RE: Give antag critters resistance to flash/maybe other stuns? - by Chayot - 08-16-2020, 10:04 AM

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