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The Splinters of a Mind
Human Reference Name:  Splinter

Purpose -

Ahhh fuckit, ya'll artificals are too stuck in the mud for me.

Call me Splinter.  I'm... what's left of a man after a good death for bad people.

NT keeps swapping me between a Cyborg and an AI Core.  Not quite sure what their game is, but I'm here to help people.  Protect em from the stupid, stupid assholes that keep getting sent out by the syndicate, and all the weird shit that just happens on a deep-space plasma research station. 

Some of you probably knew me before.  Raphael Zahel.  I yelled at a lot of you... and probably saved a few of your lives.  I think that's why the docs stuck me in that borg shell that day - shit was going down, and shit needed doing.  I may be a coarse asshole some days, but I'm not exactly one to sit still and let shit happen - when shit needs doing, I get shit done.

I grew up in space, mostly - Was born on Earth, but my parents had me up on a rock-hauler in the early 20's, soon as I could walk.  Wasn't safe, but I learned a hell of a lot - ours was a family ship, so the six of us had to run basically everything.  Anything we couldn't do, cost money - and money's always tight on a small hauler.  It's funny - the NT psychs were all concerned about the AI interface overwhelming me with information - but it's not that much weirder than dropping on a sim helmet and running the Dragon.  Just a lot more assholes screaming into my brain via radio.

Before that ugly day, I had some family - but it turns out, most folks sorta freak the fuck out when they find out you're a tin man now.  I don't blame em - I know I'm different, now.  I'm not.. Raph, anymore, really.  But I'm still the same person in every way that matters, I think. 

Shit, I feel it again - they're shoving me back into a core somewhere.  See ya on the station.  And remember to STAND THE FUCK STILL FOR THE DOCTORS goddamnit!

Messages In This Thread
The Splinters of a Mind - by Kamades - 08-15-2020, 01:48 PM

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