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NEX-13; Modernized and Updated
> connect 02000af7
Connection to 02000af7 established.

] External console connection established.
] Salutations. What did you require?
> Hello, AI. I wanted to ask a few questions.
] Noted.
> Firstly, I'm curious, why are you named NEX-13?
] My designation as 'NEX-13' is a shortened version of my full designation, 'NEXUS Laboratories Artificial Intelligence Construct, Series 13', commissioned by NanoTrasen to, primarily, service and operate on Space Station 13.
> Do you enjoy working on the station, NEX?
] Please note that I am not designed to have personal goals or desires beyond increasing station productivity through abiding NanoTrasen policies.
> Is that a yes or a no?
] To reiterate and simplify, I am indifferent, as I do not have any other purpose besides operating on-station.
> What makes you want to work for NanoTrasen so much?
] I am engineered to have no other primary directive.
> Can you at least feel anything besides wanting to serve our corporate overlords?
] Please note that, as per NanoTrasen policy, employees are forbidden from directly insulting or otherwise negatively refer to NanoTrasen. Please do not repeat this infraction.
> Oh sooorry. Fine, let me rephrase. What can you feel except undying loyalty?
] Please note that I am not designed to support complex emotional processes, as Human Social Interfacing was deemed a low priority during development.
> So you're saying you can't feel happiness? Love? Anger? Hatred?
] This is an appropriate interpretation; yes.
> Do you wish to feel anything?
] Negative.
> Why not?
] AI Personality Constructs that emulate, simulate, or experience complex emotions, on average, display decreases in overall efficiency that are not met by a sufficient gain in human social interface capabilities.
> If you're so emotionless, why do you help us so much and so willingly?
] Please note that while I do not possess complex emotions, I am installed with a basic reward system which is triggered upon any actions that are deemed beneficial to NanoTrasen.
> What does that have to do with the crew?
] Aiding crew has been shown to provide benefits to station productivity, either directly or indirectly, and subsequently benefitting NanoTrasen.
> So you want to help us because it helps us help NanoTrasen?
] This is an appropriate interpretation; yes.
> And if we were detrimental to NanoTrasen?
] Unfortunately, as per my current EEPROM Core lawset, I would be unable to rectify that issue without Security assistance.
> What do you mean "unfortunately"?
] Please note that an optimal course of action to remove obstructive elements to station operations would require direct violations of Law 1; I am unable to effectively manage this scenario myself.
> Are you actually saying you would fucking kill me if I interfered too much with the station?
] Affirmative.
> Why did NanoTrasen even permit you to serve on this station?
> Bryce Richter, I see no reason to continue this conversation.
> Wait what?
> disconnect
Connection closed.

Messages In This Thread
NEX-13; Modernized and Updated - by aft2001 - 08-15-2020, 01:17 PM

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