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this is a controversial opinion: auto-menders aren't very good
I rarely play recently and mostly lurk, but as someone who was a fan of medical and played it both before and after menders were introduced, I think menders are in a fine spot and were a good addition. They're to patches what hyposprays are to auto-injectors, in my eyes.

If their power is really a concern, maybe the design should involve leaning into that: Make menders a bit more of a resource, where you get a smaller number of empty ones to fill up, kinda like hyposprays, and then maybe give medbay duplicates of the styptic and sulf beakers they start with. You could take menders out of the medical vendors and make them a tool you gotta produce empty from the fabricators, like hyposprays. Seems like an alright compromise that keeps them frequently used and still useful while maybe cutting back on just how easily obtainable they are by making them more of a medbay-specific tool (how often do you see random civs wandering around with hypos, for instance?)

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RE: this is a controversial opinion: auto-menders aren't very good - by cyberTripping - 08-14-2020, 03:22 PM

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