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this is a controversial opinion: auto-menders aren't very good
Yeah this has turned a bit into a discussion about our medical system in general. As someone who was never really a medbay player, I dont need it to be more complicated. I feel like making it more complicated would have too big of an impact on the balancing of combat and things like adventure zones, where you can't just be quickly dragged over to a medbay.

As for automenders, as some have mentioned already, they were created specifically to replace the old medical patches because of how strong they were.
You would just slap a patch onto yourself and be able to quickly regain your lost health, while running around and dodging whatever attacked you. Now they are severely weakened in their effect, but still let you stay mobile. 
The argument about inventory management is something that puzzles me. Couldn't you just put 20 patches with up to 40 chems into a box? You dont even need to take a patch out of it, you just open the box and click your target.

The automenders on the other hand are strong, but require you to be standing still, which is the last thing you want to do in most combat situations.
Maybe they could be slowed down a bit or decreased in capacity, as I have no clue how much damage you can really heal with one filling.

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RE: this is a controversial opinion: auto-menders aren't very good - by The Gorog - 08-14-2020, 06:56 AM

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