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this is a controversial opinion: auto-menders aren't very good
(08-13-2020, 03:33 AM)Gogorow Wrote: Reminder that menders were already nerfed and rapidly healing while sprinting is not a thing anymore. So as pali said, patches are way more effective during combat anyway.

Also, I don't think we really have to make medbay more difficult and revamp the whole medbay meta, now when there is a wave of new players who can barely even use the menders. Mender removal also won't really change the fact that goonmed is quite simple overall.

This. They were already made slower recently and changed how they interact with bleeding. Please leave them alone <3 As an aside, when I play botanist I always send medbay a buttload of synthflesh patches, easy to make and use.

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RE: this is a controversial opinion: auto-menders aren't very good - by Tiggersaurus - 08-13-2020, 10:26 AM

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